
Faculty 和 Staff Travel

所有参加大学赞助或支持的国际旅行的大学工作人员都必须在出发前进行登记. Faculty are strongly encouraged to register.


Register Your Travel

High-Risk Destinations

如果你正在带领一个涉及到高风险目的地的学生的旅行计划, you MUST receive 大学的批准 出发前. 我们对高风险目的地的定义和有关审批程序的详细信息可在 Travel Reviews, Approvals, 和 Restrictions 页面.


Any academic or business travel abroad undertaken by Rochester faculty; or staff is considered University-sponsored or supported international travel. 这包括由大学开发、资助或管理的与工作相关的旅行. Please refer to the checklist below for our pre-departure recommendations.


  • 1. Research Your Destination


    High-Risk Destinations
    如果你带领一个项目或旅行涉及学生到一个高风险的目的地,你必须收到 大学的批准 出发前. 我们对高风险目的地的定义最近有所改变,可以在 Travel Reviews, Approvals, 和 Restrictions 页面.

    美国财政部海外资产控制办公室(Office of Foreign Assets Control,简称OFAC)对部分国家和地区实施经贸制裁. For the most up-to-date 和 complete list, 力it the OFAC Sanctions Programs 和 Country Information 页面.

    Any proposed transaction, 合同, 协作, 购买, or other transaction in, 或涉及, a sanctioned country or entity (whether governmental, 非营利性的, 或商业), or individual based in a sanctioned country, should be discussed in advance with the University’s Office of Research 和 Project Administration (ORPA).

    Information Security
    Rochester faculty 和 staff who travel internationally with laptops, 手机, 而其他移动设备则因可能丢失而使其信息安全面临风险, 癫痫发作, 或篡改.

    为了降低携带这些设备旅行的风险,请阅读大学IT指南 Information Security Guidelines for International Travel.

  • 2. Apply for Your Passport 和 Obtain any Necessary Visas
    • 美国公民 can apply for a passport directly through the US State Department. 请参阅 处理时间 和 加快服务.
    • 非美国公民 can obtain a 力a from your destination country’s embassy or consulate in the US.
    • 我们还与签证和护照服务供应商VisaCentral进行了降价谈判. 收取一定费用后,他们可以帮助您进行常规和快速的申请. Access the VisaCentral Portal. 在出发前澳门威尼斯人网上赌场好签证要求和时间表,因为这可能是一个漫长的过程.


    Proof of evacuation 和 repatriation coverage
    如果您需要出示撤离和遣返证明以获得签证或其他旅行证件, request a letter online. But in order to receive this letter, your travel must be considered University-sponsored or supported. See tab #8 for more information on this policy.

  • 3. 旅游的书
    的 University’s preferred travel vendors are DePrez旅游集团 和 Town 和 Country Travel. 如果可能的话,请通过这两家旅行社之一安排您的旅行.
  • 4. 注册旅游

    Register with Rochester
    所有参加大学赞助或支持的国际旅行的大学工作人员都必须在出发前进行登记. Faculty are strongly encouraged to register.
    的 registry is a convenient, 一站式服务,支持紧急通信和获得大学提供的旅行援助服务.
    注册旅游 here

    Register with the US Department of State
    After registering your travel with the University, 我们强烈建议您向您的国籍国大使馆登记:
    美国公民: 使用 State Department’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) to receive destination-specific health 和 security alerts.
    非美国公民: 使用 Go Abroad Embassy 搜索.

  • 5. Attned Pre-Departure Training


    Request a customized pre-departure training

    出国前请完成旅游安全与资源模块. This module gives you an overview of:

    • Travel resources available at the University
    • Health insurance information
    • Travel planning tools 和 tips
    • 大学提供的紧急应变及援助服务

    接入模块使用 MyPath 

    • Click on the selected lesson title
    • If prompted, click on the ‘Request’ button
    • 点击“启动”

    接入模块使用 黑板上
    在课程搜索或课程目录中搜索“UR旅行安全和资源”, under Administrative.

    Trip Leader Workshop
    Office for 全球合作 为将在大学赞助或支持的项目和活动中带领出国旅行者的教职员工提供国际旅行领导者研讨会. 这个1.5 hour workshop discusses:

    • Overall responsibilities of a Trip Leader
    • Developing an itinerary that mitigates risk
    • Registering travel with the University
    • Complimentary University travel insurance
    • 制定应急计划,报告事故,并遵守大学协议

    View upcoming Trip Leader Workshops

  • 6. Review Your Health Insurance
    • BCBS全球核心-搜索供应商,获取新闻警报,访问紧急信息和医学翻译. Note: When you initially 力it the website, you must enter the first three letters of your insurance ID. Those letters are: “URL.“对所有澳门威尼斯人网上赌场健康计划成员来说,这些信都是一样的.
    • 打印你的 BCBS全球核心 brochure (PDF) 和 carry it while abroad
    • 下载 BCBS全球核心 mobile app, available for iPhone 和 Android.
    • 咨询你的保险公司,看看他们在国际上承保什么. Some topics to ask your provider about include:
      • Medical emergency coverage
      • Obtaining prescription drugs overseas
      • Locating health service providers abroad
      • How to obtain a copy of your health insurance card


  • 7. Visit a Health Professional
    • 我们鼓励所有旅客在出发前与初级保健医生预约进行体检 at least 60 days in advance of travel.
    • You should also discuss Immunizations, 处方, 和 advice tailored to specific destinations 和 health conditions.


    护照的健康 Travel Clinic
    收取费用后,  护照的健康 与大学合作,为计划海外旅行的人士提供全面的旅游服务. 它的医疗保健专业人员是旅行专家,他们可以帮助你计划一个安全,无忧的旅行. 欲了解更多信息或预约,请致电(585)275-8884或 contact 护照的健康 online.

  • 8. Review Rochester Travel Assistance Services, Provided by WTP

    Review your Rochester 旅行援助服务,由WTP提供(医疗和安全后送).

    Travel assistance is DIFFERENT than health insurance coverage. Thus, travel assistance has a separate ID card.

    所有大学教职员工都享有澳门威尼斯人网上赌场旅行援助服务, WTP提供, when traveling for University-sponsored or supported activity. 有 NO additional cost for this benefit. 旅行援助在紧急情况下提供支助服务,包括:

    • Emergency medical services
    • Security evacuation services
    • Emergency travel arrangements
    • Information services


    打印你的 WTP Travel Assistance Services ID card (PDF) 大学NetID要求或从下面的标签下载号码.

    如果您需要出示撤离和遣返证明以获得签证或其他旅行证件, request a letter online. But in order to receive this letter, your travel must be considered University-sponsored or supported.

  • 9. Download the University’s Emergency Contact Numbers

    Global Travel Contact Card

    用智能手机扫描二维码,直接下载大学的紧急号码到手机联系人,下载KeynectUp卡. 只需打开相机应用程序或任何QR扫描应用程序(如Snapchat),让镜头聚焦在代码上. 然后,单击弹出的链接以启动KeynectUp卡下载过程. You may also download the card by 玩空中游戏 手机上的网站.

    If it’s not working, 尝试解决. Or print the card here.

    You have three options for emergency assistance abroad:

    1. 打电话给当地 emergency services first.
    2. Call the Director of Global Travel Risk Management at +1 585-857-1168 for immediate recommendations 和 resource support.
    3. Call the University’s Department of Public Safety 24/7 Emergency Line at +1 585-275-3333 为紧急情况.


PRINT Checklist for Faculty 和 Staff Travelers (PDF)

Global Partnership Fund (GPF)

GPF的建立是为了促进全球范围内的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场和学术合作, 专注于可扩展和可持续的关系,并可能导致未来的澳门威尼斯人网上赌场和学术成果(例如.g., joint publications, grants, 和 other funding, co-teaching, etc.). 奖学金主要用于支持大学的学术和澳门威尼斯人网上赌场人员,以抵消国际澳门威尼斯人网上赌场和教学合作的成本, either at Rochester or abroad.